🍟 Welcome to MoxDonald's! 🍟

Part 3 - Taste of Success

Anonymous asked:
does moxdonalds have boy and girl toys or just toys
@HazardCirno asked:
Back to MoxDonald's for the second time, could i get fries and soda? If it's okay.
Anonymous asked:
Can you give treat a raise, i think she deserves it, also what does Annie and May think of treat’s new job?
Anonymous asked:
How much does Moxdonald pay their employees?
minimum wage
@walrhi asked:
would Pastille and Periwinkle go to MoxDonald's and if they did what would they order?
@BellaBnuuy asked:
does moxdonald's do breakfast? I like pancakes
Anonymous asked:
hows pepper been since the machine broke
@road-trip-girl asked:
hey do you guys do arnie palmers at moxdonalds and if so can i get like 3
Anonymous asked:
There’s an asteroid hurtling towards the planet and only a chocolate/vanilla milkshake twist can save us! Please, for the love of humanity, tell me you have a functioning milkshake machine!?!?!?
@arrietty asked:
What would the job requirements be to apply at Moxdonalds?
@uniformjet63893 asked:
do you sell any Pastries.
Anonymous asked:
Can I get a small Boke, and bhocolate bhip bookies please?
@Bellie asked:
atelier sweets vs moxdonald's which one has more clients?!?!?!?1111
@ixnoah asked:
can we get Atelier Burger King now
Anonymous asked:
*walks into atelier sweets* hi its me eggbug with sunglasses can i get a bag of those little jelly burgers and some jawbreakers to throw at moxdonalds
@Arthur101 asked:
is there a Periwinkle Special. can I get the Periwinkle Special
Anonymous asked:
can i celebrate my birthday and have a party in moxdonalds
@MLM3 asked:
The fast food au is crazy and i can really imagine moxie being like "EVERYONE i had an idea to make a SHIT TON OF MONEY, you're never gonna believe this"
Anonymous asked:
can i have 234 chocolate chip cookies and 42 cheeseburgers and 72 cokes please
@Fireball1000242 asked:
Since everyone's doing it, can i simply get 12 burgers and 75 large fries. Or just one buger and 1 large fries.
@rylieeric asked:
Hey! Got any grapes?
@powu asked:
I wamt chinnknen
@snookums asked:
can i ask for half a burger and π litres of cola, please?
orders are comin' in fast! visit moxdonald's today!
(an anonymous fan made this, check archive.org if the link ever dies!)